Usages on 'Menu', 'Interface' and 'Model are for the standalone program.
Usage on 'Web-Service Developer's Guide' is for web-application program.
Menu Interface Model setting Web-Service Developer's Guide
We support web service of FSFinder. Developers can use FSFinder web service with following documents.
Download documents
- FSFinder web service WSDL
- Example of request SOAP message
- Example of response SOAP message
Related documents
- W3C - Web Service Activity
- W3C - XML Protocol Working Group
- msdn - Web Service developer center
- msdn - How to send and receive a SOAP message
- Sun - Java technology and web services
- Perl - Creating web services with XML-RPC
String formats of xml elements in regular expression
dnaX gene | prfB gene | genes in viruses | other genes in bacteria
Full | Patial
Plus strand | Minus strand
[ agctunAGCTUN]+
Overlap_with (Attribute)
-1 | +1 | -+1
<Components type>

Structure (Attribute)

