Usages on 'Menu', 'Interface' and 'Model are for the standalone program.
Usage on 'Web-Service Developer's Guide' is for web-application program.
Menu Interface Model setting Web-Service Developer's Guide
(1) Select 'open' menu from file menu
(2) Select a file (GenBank or FASTA format is available).
(3) Select an organism classification and direction of the strand.
Check the organism type. dnaX  gene, oaz  gene, other genes in bacteria,  genes in virus genome can be analyzed.
Check the direction of the strand. When - strand radio button is checked, FSFinder finds genes in the reverse complementary sequence.
And set the universal model to find -> go usage of model setting.
(4) Result of 0 frame.
(5) If there is no frameshift signal, the user can alternate frames to find frameshift signal in +1 (-1) by using move to frame +1 (-1) in the analysis menu or by  clicking the right mouse button.
(6) Result of -1 frameshift detection.
(7) If the user specifies a region for detailed examination by the drag and drop operation, the specified region is enlarged in the lower window.
(8) The selection details panel shows the positions of start and stop codons in the selected region.
(9) The 'Matches' panel shows the total number of signals detected in overlapping regions and nonoverlapping regions of frames and the positions of the detected signals.
It also displays details of the detected signals in the selected region.
(10) The user can enlarge or shrink of the displayed region by specifying its size in the ratio bar.
(11) The user can see a different part of the genome by specifying its position.